Google Authenticator What is it and Why use it? Anti-hacker!

(Last Updated On: July 16, 2019)

Google Authenticator is a security-based application developed by Google. Don't we all agree that we need a type of good security on our private accounts? Let it be a smartphone application or a website. We do need some security, So that's why we all do try to set up a complex password and at times we use the same password for multiple websites.

But yet after setting up a complex password, we also forget these passwords at times. We also tend to entering our accounts in shared or public computers or wifi networks. Such actions may weaken our security. But no worries from now on you can set a normal password which you can remember and criminals won't get into your account easily.

How does Google Authenticator work?

It works on the principal of two-factor authentication that helps to verify the user's identities before granting them access to certain websites and services. It works even if your account password is stolen or cracked. it works with two steps. (your user name and password + the authentication code). The username and password are always set by you.

The google authenticator works on the principal of one-time password like the usual bank accounts send a message of one-time password on your phone. It is specified in the IETF's RFC 6238 document. It generates a six-digit code which factors in the current time of day to ensure that each and every code is unique. The authentication code always changes on a specific time factor mostly about 30 seconds.

The two-factor authenticator makes sure that it is less likely that any hacker would pave its way into your account.

The google authenticator has categorised its authentication factors into three factors

1. Knowledge factors

knowledge factor are credentials that the user typically knows, eg. a user name and password. In order to increase the security of your accounts we recommend you to set a username apart from your name. and you can use various password generators to generate a strong password for you. Do use it when you are out of ideas.

2. Possession factors

Possession factors are things that the user has, eg. a mobile phone; In order to get started with two-factor authentication, you need to have a mobile phone with the google authenticator app which is available on both Android and iPhone.

3. Inheritance factors

The Inheritance factors are things that the user is eg biometric lock such as a fingerprint or an iris pattern. It can be usually used to protect your phone. Generally so that if anyone steals your phone. So they just cant unlock the phone and go to the google authenticator app.

Let's take a look at the video below which is made by Google:

How to Setup Google Authenticator

To setup the google authenticator app

Note:- You need a mail to setup your google authenticators account. We prefer to use Gmail(An email service by Google).

Step1: Download the Google Authenticator app from the play store or app store.

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Step 2: Launch the authenticator app (After launching the authenticator app you will be taken on to a welcome screen) where it will tell you to begin setup.

Step 3: Log into your Gmail account. Then go to Settings>accounts and import>other google account settings. (The google security for your Gmail will open in a new tab).

Step 4: Click on sign in and security and then click on two-step verification.

Note:- You need to re-enter your password to confirm your identity.

Step 5: Enter your phone number and you will receive an authentication code on the number you entered.

Note:- Entering your phone number is a must to confirm your identity and you want to enable two-step verification. Plus for security reasons.

Step 6: Click on the setup of the authenticator app which will be shown below n the screen. Select the phone version android or phone. iPhone users need to select a phone as the part of the setup.

Step 7: Click on next and a barcode generated can be seen on the screen. Go to the authenticator app and click on begin setup>scan barcode and scan the barcode on the screen.

Step 8: Once the barcode is scanned you can see 6 digits of codes on your app with a short time limit and the code changes as the time period end. Google will ask you to enter the authentication code which is shown in the app. Enter the code and click on verify.

Step 9: You are all done the google authenticators app has been set up successfully.

When you want to add another account to enable the google authenticators code. Then just click on the plus and scan the barcode or click on enter the provided key.

Note:- The scanned barcode does the work quickly. But when you click on enter the provided key then you can enter your account name and the key and you can set up how the app code will change(Time based or Counter based).

Check out the below video by CryptoDad about how to set up the google authenticator.

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This post was last modified on July 16, 2019 8:07 pm

Jason Gomes

A passionate blogger by heart .Founder of, Life motto: You can do many things in life. The only limit is your imagination

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